Swim Course

» Race Course » Swim

Try A Tri: 350m

Sprint: 750m

Standard: 1.5km

Cut-off time: 1hr 10mins after last swim start. If started on-time, then it would be 8:30am

Note: course maps are subject to final approval

Each swim course is a one-loop course within the City’s swim buoys, starting and finishing by the Penticton Peach at Okanagan Beach. On-water safety is led by Hoodoo Adventures.


After the swim, head to your assigned bike spot to put on your bike shoes & helmet. Once you’re ready to leave transition, run or walk your bike to the MOUNT line. Change tents will not be provided.

View the: Bike Course | Run Course

Peach Classic Triathlon Swim Course
Peach Classic Transition Map
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