Bike Course

» Race Course » Bike

Try A Tri: 10km

Sprint: 20km

Standard: 40km

Cut-off times: 3hrs 10mins after last swim start. If started on-time, then it would be 10:30am

From the transition area all athletes will head west along Lakeshore Drive to the roundabout at the famous S.S Sicamous Boat then back along Lakeshore Drive and up Vancouver Hill. At the top of the hill, cyclists will do an out-and-back loop using Middle Bench and Tupper intersections. Athletes wil then travel out to Naramata Road to the end turnaround points for each distance.

Try A Tri: From the transition, all athletes will head westward along Lakeshore Drive to the roundabout at the S.S. Sicamous, then back eastward along Lakeshore Drive. Sprint and Standard distance athletes will head up Vancouver Hill, Try A Tri athletes will loop around the traffic circle at the bottom of Vancouver Hill/Ellis St. and head back past the transition area via a “Lap Lane” to complete the first of three loops. 2nd and 3rd loop are identical to the first loop except on the 3rd lap for the Try A Tri athletes will have them dismounting their bikes at the Bike Dismount Line (monitored by TriBC Officials) and head back into the transition area for the transition to the Run segment.

Individual Sprint: Turnaround located approximately 13km at 1725 Naramata Rd. 210m (688 feet) total elevation gain.

Standard / Olympic: This course continues along Naramata Road to North Naramata Road (stay to the right) which is the Naramata Village intersection. Turnaround located approximately TBD km at Sun Rock Lookout (aka Painted Rock). 432m (1,417 feet) total elevation gain.

After each turnaround, head back towards Penticton along Naramata Road, turn right onto Corbishley Drive, follow around the backside of Munson Mountain, and back down Vancouver Hill to transition.

Note: The bike dismount line (monitored by Triathlon BC Officials) will be located several meters in front of a Bike Course finish banner. The timing mat is at the Bike finish after the dismount line. This will be the ‘bike in’ time for all events. All turnaround locations are fully monitored and controlled. Course maps are subject to final approval.


After dismounting at the line, run or walk your bike back to your assigned bike rack spot. Rack your bike and then undo your helmet. Then head out of transition to the run. There will be change tents for men and women.

Aid Stations:

Aid stations, water and Skratch Labs will be available on race morning at transition, athletes are responsible for their hydration and on-course nutrition beyond that point.

View the: Swim Course | Run Course

Peach Classic Triathlon - Bike Course Map
Peach Classic Transition Map
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