Pricing & Policies
Register early and save! Learn about our rules and policies for the Peach Classic.
The Peach Classic Triathlon consists of the Try A Tri, Sprint, Aqua Bike, Standard, & Standard Relay distances and is open to all age groups. There is not a professional component nor a qualifying requirement however you may witness some pros flying by! Entry fees will be charged as follows. Note that the sooner you register the lower the cost.
1.5km swim | 40km bike | 10km Run
1.5km swim | 40km bike | 10km Run
750m swim | 20km bike | 5km run
350m swim | 10km bike | 2.5km run
1.5km swim | 40km bike
The entry fees listed above DO NOT include the following: Online Processing Fees | Credit Card Fees | GST (Goods & Services Tax) | Triathlon BC Day of Race Insurance*
For registrations of minors below 19 years of age, parental consent will be required at race package pick-up. Waivers must be signed at package pick-up for the athlete to get their race number registered.
*If you are a Triathlon BC, Tri Alberta, or Triathlon Saskatchewan member, please provide your current membership number. If you are not a member of one of these organizations you will be charged an additional $15.50 for Triathlon BC Day of Race Insurance.
Peach Classic Triathlon Policy
It is our goal and policy to provide our athletes the best race experience possible.
Gender Selection
We have enabled the ability for registrants to select ‘unspecified’ as a gender which will place them in the non-binary division of the race that they’re registering for. This division will be awarded prizing 3 deep based on the following categories:
Open 16 – 39| Masters 40 – 59 | Seniors 60+
Event Contigencies
If you withdraw from the Peach Classic Triathlon (the “event”), regardless of the reason, including medical, personal, travel, family, work, or military service, your entry fee is not refundable.
The Peach Classic event may be cancelled due to dangerous weather, natural disaster, public health orders and other situations outside the organizers’ control. This includes cancellation before the scheduled start date of the event. If cancellation of the event takes place for any of the reasons listed above, your entry fee is not refundable.
Should the event be delayed, the event’s starting time will be moved back accordingly. The delay will be communicated to all participants in attendance. The Peach Classic Triathlon management team, the Triathlon BC Technical Delegate, and local law enforcement have the authority to delay or cancel an event. The race director also reserves the right to modify the course at any time before or during an event by their judgment or if instructed by the above-mentioned authorities. If the event is delayed or the course modified or cancelled by event officials, your entry fee is not refundable.
Transferability of Entry
Event entry fees are not transferable to another person or another event. Any purchase or transfer of registration other than through The Peach Classic Triathlon management compromises the sanctioning and insurance of the event through our provincial sanctioning body, Triathlon BC.
Any attempts by an athlete to transfer an entry or right to participate in the Event or failure to adhere to this policy and any event regulations, guidelines, and procedures will be viewed by event management and officials as acts of bad faith, and they will initiate such sanctions against the athlete as they in their sole discretion deem appropriate, including but not limited to refusal to allow the athlete to participate in any future Peach Classic Triathlon events.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information found within this website. No warranty, expressed or written, is made regarding the content of this site. The Penticton Triathlon Club and Peach Classic Triathlon will not be held liable for mistakes, typographical errors, omissions, or other errors which may render some information inaccurate. While we will do our best to update athletes as necessary, information and policies found within this site are subject to change without notice.
The Peach Classic Triathlon and the Penticton Triathlon Club are insured and sanctioned by the appropriate provincial governing body for triathlon, Triathlon BC.